Artefact Louisville 2020
January 30 - February 2 | LOUISVILLE, KY
St. Michael Orthodox Church
With workshop sessions on:
choral conducting & singing
vocal technique, western & byzantine
folk music & dancing
Led by:
Benedict Sheehan
Dr. Anthony Maglione
Dr. Fotina Naumenko
Photini Downie-Robinson
Talia Maria Sheehan
With workshop sessions on:
crafting narrative
live storytelling
toasting and speeches
Led by:
With workshop session on:
interior design
food preparation and styling
planning and hosting The Feast
Led by:
Participants may enroll as either a conductor, singer, writer, or auditor.
Event Highlights
Full Day Intensive Coaching in Conducting, Writing, Classical and Byzantine Vocal Technique
Participants will receive 6+ hours of individualized instruction in preparation for concert, services and The Village Feast.
Lectures on Arts and Culture, in partnership with the Climacus Conference
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1/31-2/1
Workshop Sessions and Rehearsals
Friday 1/31 and Saturday, 2/1
Participants will work directly with Artefact experts in the Three Elements Featured in the Event: Music, Writing & Storytelling, and Conviviality.
St. Symeon and Expectation, a Candlemas Concert
Saturday evening, 2/1
Participants will perform material studied in preceding day’s intensives in Saturday’s concert. The concert program, designed with multi-sensory and multi-media elements, will focus on the story of St. Symeon’s life, the prophecy of the expectation of the Messiah, and the events commemorated in the Feast of the Entry of our Lord Into the Temple.
Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into the Temple
Sunday morning, 2/2
As a singer or conductor you will prepare and receive coaching on repertoire from of multiple styles of Orthodox sacred music to sing the Vespers, Matins, and Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Entry of the Lord at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church.
The Communal Feast for the Entry of the Lord
Sunday evening, February 2
In the evening following the celebration of the divine liturgy for the feast of the Entry, participants will work with members of the St. Michael’s community and with Artefact experts to design, prepare and host a banquet or feast. All participants will attend the feast and contribute to components of it including:
event design
menu planning and cooking
food styling
toasting and storytelling
instrumental and vocal folk music
contra and folk dancing